• Living room decor

    Choosing the Right Cushions for the Sofa.

    Choosing the right cushions for the sofa: here some interesting ideas to give a touch of color to the living room. Choosing cushions for the sofa and arranging them in the right way can be a fun experience because with a little imagination and a few tricks you can create an original, lively and never boring living room. An interior designer is not necessary in this case. What is important is that the visual impact is harmonious. To achieve this harmony, it is advisable to adapt the size of the cushions to the size of the sofa. This means that if the sofa is very large, it is better not…

  • wall decor 1

    Ideas for Decorating an Empty Wall

    Some interesting ideas for decorating an empty wall using designer accessories. Leaving a wall of the house completely empty could, in some cases, compromise the visual impact and harmony of a room. Especially in large rooms, if they are not palaces or period houses, it is always advisable to decorate the walls with method, using different colours, wallpaper, silk-screen printing or elegant design accessories. And it is precisely the latter ones that we will deal with in this post. Wall clocks Design accessories with original shapes can be easily combined with any furniture and style of the house but also with any wall colour. For example coat hangers or colorful,…

  • sancal turati collection

    Special Offers For Your Home

    Special offers for your home: 15% discount on the most popular Sancal products. A bit of history: In a climate of social movements, in Yecla Spain, an incipient industrial net encircling the manufacture of furniture started to strenghten. Inside this contest Santiago Castano Carpena decided to leave a good job and to start a personal project: The design, manufacture and sale of modular sofas and armchairs for the decoration of contemporary and elegant homes. Over the years Sancal expanded its production, ranging form the dining tables, to the chairs and coffe tables, increasingly consolidating its brand and its influence in the furniture Sector. Sancal products are colorful, modern and functional!…

  • sancal mousse

    The 5 Best Corner Sofas

    The 5 Best Corner Sofas. Let’s find out them together.     The corner sofa is synonymous with conviviality and convinces by its natural ability to furnish, without the need for too many accessories or furniture. Often excluded a priori when dealing with the furnishing of the living room, for fear of its size and the consequent difficulty in adapting the environment to changing needs, the corner sofa has experienced in recent years a new rediscovery and spread. This is due to more functional, modular models, equipped with accessories such as mobile dividers, headboards and bed structures, carefully hidden, which have contributed to making the corner sofa versatile and able to satisfy…